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Welcome to The Universe.

Your {"data":["shopping","dreaming","creating"],"namespace":"ua.a.typeon"} experience just got better.

What is The Universe?


Just like Magic

It's one experience for a vast universe of agencies, apps, brands, charities, companies, entertainment, entrepreneurs, products, and services that team up to offer you best-in-class software.

You're the secret...

You're the entrepreneur or creative for whom this technology is for. Bring your entrepreneurial mind, and we'll help you craft your corner of the Universe. Build your website, develop your app, and grow your community.

Curated for you,

The Universe uses technologies designed to give you and your customers a consistent experience - whether you are an up-and-coming influencer or a full-fledged luxury retail store. We've got you covered.

This is your Universe.


We don't share data.
We learn from it.

Data shouldn't be a scary thing. It's a powerful engine to help you grow. We offer unique security for you and your customers while training and fine-tuning models to equip them to make the decisions right for them.


It's like receiving a letter from The Universe.

Your website is now a beautiful gateway into your business, brand, values, and portal to your merchandise.

{"header":[{"namespace":"h2","class":"text-center bg-75-black text-white invert fs-1","inner":"Be Creative."}],"namespace":"ua.fs.scrollup","inner":{"data":[{"line":"Create your brand."},{"line":"Start that podcast."},{"line":"Sell those sneakers."},{"line":"Launch that business."},{"line":"Share that video."}],"inner":{"namespace":"div","inner":{"namespace":"p","class":"text-center text-shadow text-h-dark fw-bold text-uppercase fs-1 text-shadow","inner":"#{line}"}},"namespace":"ua.repeater"}}

Let's Grow Your Business.


Credit Card and other payment information is a tokenized method without handing over your physical information.

Spark Loyalty,

Instant receipts. Shipping notifications. All promotional contact points that help keep your customers engaged and funnel new purchases.


Access to payment types - you have yet to discover.

Your {"data":["brand","services","story","destiny"],"namespace":"ua.a.typeon"}
it's built here.

No lengthy account registration.

Luxury shopping experience.

Gorgeous emails designed for the modern age.

Meet Stallion,

a custom universe-only modern application cloud service.

Stallion is a stateless cloud service that serves your app: front and backend.

Stallion grows with you.

Stallion spools cloud instances as it monitors your resource allocation.

What the-virtualization.

Secure, reliable hosting backed by the technology that hyper-cloud service is begging for.{"namespace":"ua.footnote","inner":"Stallion only supports applications built on The Universe's tested structure using The Universe Application Toolkit (UAT) and Universe App Modules (UAM)."}

Your Style.

Our Tools.

Peak performance.

Universe App Tools

Robust RealTime Apps.

The same technology that provides banks instant access to your balance now provides customers access to your app.

Our web server provides a secure data channel between your application and customers. Simple data is exchanged between the app and the browser (using Universe App Tools), allowing the server to do the heavy lifting and the client to style your website.

Universe App Tools rendered in the browser or cached in the server share the heavy lifting between server and client while letting search engines and screen readers see your website.

Store page data as JSON and watch a gorgeous page get generated at lightning speeds.

Curated by App Artisans.


HTML5 First & Native Javascript

Clean Implementation

Accessibility Considered.

Accessibility Considered.

Search Engine Optimzied.

Social Meta-Data Prioritized.

Just like Magic

Code Open to Artisans.

The Universe is open-sourced to current enrolled Application Artisans to enable a strong developer community, security-first deployment, and rapid growth.{"namespace":"ua.footnote","inner":"Artisans with an active subscription have access to the Universe App Tools source code to develop, deploy, and build beautiful universe applications. The source code requires an active developer subscription."}

Let's go.

Let's design your website,

Start the next quarter right with a freshly designed website created on a world-class platform and developed with a strategic design, taking your business to the next level.

A curated selection of websites designed with Pages by The Universe.
{"namespace":"ua.footnotes","class":"text-muted p-3 text-small","inner":["You agree that all concepts, brands, names, logos, and research is the direct property of The Universe: The EGT Universe, LLc. Abuse is strictly prohibited.","Portfolio-managed data is kept on the owning universe account, and only the information necessary to process your order is shared. In addition, payment data is tokenized and secured.","Privacy Drop Shipping is only available with a support carrier.","To achieve fast onboarding, your user must already have an Identity with the Universe and will connect their Universe to your service on the first login.","Stallion and our services operates on finite hardware resources that are expanded periodically to meet consumer demand. Automation may delay the processing of node expansion until new hardware can be initialized. We actively monitor clusters for health, growth, and reliability.","Our web server is not a traditional node.js server or framework. Our webserver can utilize server-side Universe App Tools to integrate any frontend or backend application.","Our web server does not require databases to be stored in Namespace, but access must be managed via a Universe account for API access.","To speed up development, we used AI with human supervision to control, audit, and help develop code used in The Universe provided by many models. While AI has assisted development, all code generated is adapted and has substantially changed above and beyond license restrictions.","App Artisans have access to parts of The Universe to help develop standards and build an open-source community that thrives. However, an active Application Artisan subscription is required to access the Universe Sorce Code Repositories to protect technology from nefarious actors. The source code is open to enrolled subscribers, not publicly accessible, and subject to the Terms of Services and other policies.","Universe developer membership is paid annually and includes access to Universe App Tools with your custom style and elements from other App Artisans. Participants in public beta may see a reduced or waived membership."]}